
Full legal name: Escola Básica e Secundária Gonçalves Zarco

Country: Portugal

Region: PT30 - Região Autónoma da Madeira

City: Funchal

Email: ebsgzarco@madeira-edu.pt

Website: www.ebsgzarco.pt.vu

Background and Experience:

ESCOLA BÁSICA E SECUNDÁRIA GONÇALVES ZARCO is a post elementary and secondary school. Although it was created in 1968, in the beginning it served just as an annex to two other schools. Only in 1989 did it settle in its own building and began to cater for its own students. Today it has about 1520 students in the day time, whose age ranges from 10 to young adults and about 130 adult students who attend night classes. Its curriculum offerings cover several levels within the regular compulsory school attendance (from 5th to the 12th grade), but it also offers vocational courses and night classes for adults.
The majority of its students apply for general studies degrees. But recently, considering that the school is located in an economically disadvantaged suburban area of Funchal city (the great majority of its students come from low-income families, and most parents have only completed elementary school levels), the school has been paying greater attention to the vocational guidance of its students and started to develop more vocational training courses, according to the guidelines of its Educational Project. Most of the  students, who attend these technical degrees, are economically disadvantaged, and because of that they are supported and followed by social welfare. 
The School’s Educational Project also diagnosed that it needed to improve pupils’ learning outcomes, establish school attendance strategies and implement measures to prevent the dropping out of students who leave school even before they complete their opportunities for later job search.

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